Friday, May 15, 2009

Weclome to the club young man

Yesterday I took a big step on my way to becoming the ideal "part-time-stay-at-home" dad. My first official adult play date! I don't know if this is even the proper term because it is so new to me. Basically I had some of my kids friends over for a play date and their mom stuck around to chat. Whoa....what a nice deal that is. I mean, most of the time I use the "play-date" to get some things done around the house, but it was genuinely nice to have another adult around to talk to in the afternoon. She sat on down in the kitchen and we talk while I put away dishes. I took her outside to show her our new garden area. I brewed up some coffee to enjoy. Our conversation centered around the kids of course, what summer plans were, schools and teachers. We had the occasional child whining/crying interruptions which were taken care of quickly so as to return to our important discussions. Although I think to truly join the club our talks are going to need to get into more gossip and less small talk. I mean, the way I understand it you can really learn a lot about your community neighbors at these gatherings. I am not veteran enough to warrant such information, but maybe someday.




  1. Glad to meet another Dad blogger. I will never know about play dates since I work but I support your pursuit of more gossip. Good luck with that.

  2. LOL, get the full blown bond going and then you will get the dirt mixed in with teacher dirt.

  3. Just wait play dates are da-bomb. My son and I have a weekly one with a mom and son across the street. Not really too much gossip yet but great conversation and a really nice break in the work.
